It's been way too long. Thankfully, junior year is almost over! I have AP tests this week and the next, so I will be super busy and stressed until then. But, I decided to still squeeze in some time for blogging. Blogging really helps me relieve some of that stress and I REALLY miss it. I'm excited to somewhat get back into the blogging community and catch up on some of your wonderful blogs. After the school year is over, I'll be back for good. ♥ I've been reading some wonderful books lately! Look out for reviews of Sometimes It Happens,Where She Went, So Much Closer and more. :)
And a huge thanks goes out to all my lovely followers who have stuck with me all this time.
SARA!!! Feels so darn good to see a post from you! I was always peeking at my dashboard in hope of a new post. I'll be looking very forward to you coming back full - time! :)
When I first saw your blog, I wondered if that picture is actually your bookshelf? I have read a bunch of those books like the Jhumpa Lahiri, Julia Alvarez, Jodi Picoult and Reading Lolita in Tehran.
Check out/follow my blog, which has YA book reviews in 100 words or less:
I'm a seventeen year old Muslim girl living in Kentucky. Coming from a huge family, I tend to be a bit shy, but never afraid to speak my mind. Growing up without a TV in the house, I willingly turned to books. Ever since I've been a proud book-aholic. Since I love reading I decided to write a review on every book I read (mostly YA fiction) from here on out to share my thoughts and opinions. I love comments and am open to any book suggestions :)
Authors/publishers, I would love to review your books or host an interview! I read just about anything YA. You can contact me at:
Rating System
One Star: I strongly disliked it and would not recommend it to anyone. Stay away.
Two Stars: It was just OK. I would probably read it if there wasn't anything better to do.
Three Stars: I liked more things about the book then things that I disliked. I enjoyed the book, but I didn't fall in love with it.
Four Stars: After finishing the book I feel happy/excited. I really liked the book and would recommend it to others.
Five Stars: Not many books will receive five stars. The book had to be amazing. A five star book is a book that I wouldn't forget about, it stays with me long after I finished reading it.
Welcome back! You have been missed!
I second Ham's emotion.
Hey Sara, welcome back!!!
Congrats on almost being finished your junior year! Just hold in there a little longer and summer vacation will be here before you know it! :)
Missed you Sara! Glad you're back. Good luck on your AP tests (hope you get lots of $$ and college credit!)
HOORAY! Glad to know you are still around!
SARA!!! Feels so darn good to see a post from you! I was always peeking at my dashboard in hope of a new post. I'll be looking very forward to you coming back full - time! :)
I'm so glad to see you're still around, Sara! I've missed your posts, and I look forward to your reviews in the summer! :)
Good luck with your AP tests!
Awww, it was good to see this post! I wish you well on your tests and look forward to reading your reviews when you get around to them! =)
welcome back!
Hooray! We missed ya! Goodluck with everything and we hope to see you soontimes :P
When I first saw your blog, I wondered if that picture is actually your bookshelf? I have read a bunch of those books like the Jhumpa Lahiri, Julia Alvarez, Jodi Picoult and Reading Lolita in Tehran.
Check out/follow my blog, which has YA book reviews in 100 words or less:
Good luck on your tests!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I hope your AP tests are working out just fine! I'm looking forward to reading more of your reviews, especially for Where She Went.
I'm a new GFC follower btw ;)
Kind regards,
I Heart Reading
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