Friday, March 26, 2010

Going on vacation...

Hey everyone! 

I'm really really excited to finally going on a much needed vacation. For the next week or so, I'll be out of the country. I'll be traveling to Jordan and Saudi Arabia (which I've never been too!), so I'm ecstatic! I'll be going on four very long plane rides, so that means there is going to be lots and lots of reading involved. I'll have lots of reviews waiting to post when I come back (which is on April 7th). I'm planning on trying to schedule two or three posts during the week-let's hope they work. Ok that's enough rambling for now...I"ll definitely miss the blogging community! 

Be back soon! :)


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Have fun on your holiday!

Jeanne C. said...

Hope you have a great vacation!

Jamie said...

That sounds like a great trip! I can't wait to hear about it and all the books you read while you're there :)

j said...

Have a great vacation! You will be missed, but we will be waiting for some great reviews! :)

Nicole Settle said...

Sounds like an awesome vacation! Have fun :D

Amelia said...

there's something really relaxing about reading on a plane... :D
Have fun, and take lots of pictures!!

Bere said...

That sounds great Sara! I hope you have a
fantastic vacation! We will be waiting here for
your return. Have so much fun =)

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

Oh, that sounds like such a great time! Enjoy your vacation!

from Une Parole

Tales of Whimsy said...

O vaca! I live for it. Enjoy and take pictures :)

Test said...

Oooh, how exciting! I hope you have a fabulous time. :)

Anonymous said...

Have fun, Sara.

Shantal said...

Enjoy your vacations , have fun and take lots of pictures !!!!! :)

Dwayne said...

May your travel be meaningful - and inshaallah, you stay safe!